Directly Harms the LGBTQ+ Community (more specifically, trans folks)

Note: This page includes Executive Orders and Presidential Actions that were signed on or before January 28, 2025. It will be updated in the coming days, and kept updated to the best of my ability as time goes.


  • 01/28/2025: Redefines “child” in the context of gender affirming care, to anyone under the age of 19
  • 01/28/2025: Revokes funding for research and education to medical institutions, including medical schools and hospitals that provide gender affirming care to people under the age of 19, or education about said care
  • 01/28/2025: Removes TRICARE coverage for gender affirming care to anyone under 19
  • 01/28/2025: Removes coverage for gender affirming care to anyone under 19 from the Federal Employee Health Benefits and Service Health Benefits programs
  • 01/28/2025: Orders the Attorney General to work with congress to create legislation to charge medical professionals who provide gender affirming care to anyone under 19, stating it “should include a lengthy statute of limitations”
  • 01/28/2025: Attempts to redefine gender affirming care for AFAB folks as “female genital mutilation”
  • 01/27/2025: Bans trans folks from serving in the military
  • States that it is the policy of the US to only recognize two sexes—male and female
  • Defines male and female based on what type of reproductive cell they produce on conception (showing a blatant lack of basic understanding of biology and fetal development)
  • Declares that  all federal agencies and employees “shall enforce laws governing sex-based rights, protections, opportunities, and accommodations to protect men and women as biologically distinct sexes “
  • The word “gender” is to be removed from all federal forms, policies, and documents, and replaced with “sex”
  • Requires that Secretaries of State and Homeland Security, and the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, shall implement changes to require that government-issued identification documents, including passports, visas, and Global Entry cards, to “accurately reflect the holder’s sex”
  • Requires that the Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall ensure that applicable personnel records “accurately report Federal employees’ sex”
  • Removes all federal funding for any programs or agencies related to “gender ideology”
  • Requires the “removal of all statements, policies, regulations, forms, communications, or other internal and external messages that promote or otherwise inculcate gender ideology, and shall cease issuing such statements, policies, regulations, forms, communications or other messages”
  • Removes all federal funding for any programs or agencies related to “gender ideology”
  • Removes the interpretation of protections laid out in Bostock v Clayton County, which allowed people to access spaces that coordinate with their gender
  • Requires that trans women are sent to men’s prisons, and the ADA no longer applies to trans women in prisons
  • Requires that trans women are no longer allowed to be in women’s shelters
  • Prisons are no longer allowed to provide gender affirming medical care to trans inmates
  • Removal of all official documentation and supports gender identity and trans people
  • Revoked Biden’s protections for trans people in the military
  • Revokes protections for LGBTQI+ individuals’ to access to medically necessary care
  • Revoked a Biden order to protect kids from conversion therapy
  • Disbands Working Group on LGBTQI+ Students and Families
  • Disbands Working Group on LGBTQI+ Homelessness and Housing Equity

01/28/2025: Executive Order: “Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation”

Note: Every single thing in this order is based on a grossly inaccurate understanding of medicine, bigoted bias, and is just all around incorrect. It is “solving” a problem that isn’t real.

  • States: “it is the policy of the United States that it will not fund, sponsor, promote, assist, or support the so-called “transition” of a child from one sex to another, and it will rigorously enforce all laws that prohibit or limit these destructive and life-altering procedure”
    • Note: permanent methods of gender affirming care for trans kids, such as surgeries, are NOT DONE ON MINORS.
  • For the purpose of this order, “child” or “children” has been redefined to mean “an individual or individuals under 19 years of age”
    • Note: 18 and 19 year olds are legally adults. NOT children. There is no reason to redefine this except to block adults from accessing care
  • Defines “chemical and surgical mutilation” as:
    • means the use of puberty blockers, including GnRH agonists and other interventions, to delay the onset or progression of normally timed puberty in an individual who does not identify as his or her sex
      • Note: Puberty blockers are 100% safe and reversible and are mostly used in cis children suffering from precocious puberty
    • the use of sex hormones, such as androgen blockers, estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone, to align an individual’s physical appearance with an identity that differs from his or her sex
    • any surgical procedures that attempt to transform an individual’s physical appearance to align with an identity that differs from his or her sex or that attempt to alter or remove an individual’s sexual organs to minimize or destroy their natural biological functions
      • Note: again, these surgeries are not done on trans minors as a part of gender affirming care. They ARE done on cis minors, though to, for example, remove excess breast tissue in cis boys
      • Note: controversial, but the US also regularly and routinely circumcises babies, which, by definitely, is a surgery that has the risk of “destroy[ing] their natural biological functions”
    • Orders agencies to rescind or amend all policies that rely on the guidance of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)
    • Orders the Secretary of HHS to publish a review of the existing literature on “best practices for promoting the health of children who assert gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion” within 90 days
      • Note: So review existing literature to find best practices, while also forbidding the use of the best practices found in existing literature provided by WPATH. Cool.
    • Orders the Secretary of HHS to “use all available methods to increase the quality of data to guide practices for improving the health of minors with gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion”
    • Revokes funding for research and education to medical institutions, including medical schools and hospitals, unless they state they will “end the chemical and surgical mutilation of children”
    • Orders the Secretary of HHS to “take all appropriate actions to end the chemical and surgical mutilation of children, including regulatory and sub-regulatory actions”, including changing the DSM 5 and other federally funded medical manuals
    • Removes TRICARE coverage for gender affirming care to anyone under 19
    • Removes coverage for gender affirming care to anyone under 19 from the Federal Employee Health Benefits and Service Health Benefits programs
    • Orders the Attorney General to work with congress to create legislation to charge medical professionals who provide gender affirming care to anyone under 19, stating it “should include a lengthy statute of limitations”
    • Orders the Attorney General to prioritize investigations and take appropriate action against sanctuary states
    • Attempts to redefine gender affirming care for AFAB folks as “female genital mutilation” and orders the Attorney General to prioritize enforcement of protections provided in 116 of title 18, United States Code, which defines female genital mutilation to people under the age of 18
    • Orders the Attorney General to work with state Attorney Generals and other law enforcement to prioritize enforcement of those laws

01/27/2025: Executive Order:  
“Prioritizing Military Excellence and Readiness”

  • States: “It is the policy of the United States Government to establish high standards for troop readiness, lethality, cohesion, honesty, humility, uniformity, and integrity.  This policy is inconsistent with the medical, surgical, and mental health constraints on individuals with gender dysphoria.  This policy is also inconsistent with shifting pronoun usage or use of pronouns that inaccurately reflect an individual’s sex.”
  • Bans trans folks in the military

 01/20/2025: Executive Order: “Defending women from gender ideology extremism and restoring biological truth to the federal government”

  • States that it is the policy of the US to only recognize two sexes—male and female
  • Defines “sex” as “an individual’s immutable biological classification as either male or female, and  states that “Sex” is not a synonym for and does not include the concept of “gender identity.”
    • Note: Oh look, it’s actually “woke”, since this is true—sex isn’t the same as gender. Good job
  • Defines “Women” or “woman” and “girls” or “girl” shall mean adult and juvenile human females, respectively
  • Defines “Men” or “man” and “boys” or “boy” shall mean adult and juvenile human males, respectively
  • Defines Female “a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell”
  • Defines Male as a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive
    • Note: This essentially defines all humans as female, because everyone IS female at conception. The Y chromosome doesn’t start to develop male sex organs and characteristics until around the 6th or 7th week. Female is the default setting for all humans, when conceived
  • States: “Gender ideology” replaces the biological category of sex with an ever-shifting concept of self-assessed gender identity, permitting the false claim that males can identify as and thus become women and vice versa, and requiring all institutions of society to regard this false claim as true.
  • States: “Gender identity” reflects a fully internal and subjective sense of self, disconnected from biological reality and sex and existing on an infinite continuum, that does not provide a meaningful basis for identification and cannot be recognized as a replacement for sex.”
  • Declares that  all federal agencies and employees “shall enforce laws governing sex-based rights, protections, opportunities, and accommodations to protect men and women as biologically distinct sexes “
  • The word “gender” is to be removed from all federal forms, policies, and documents, and replaced with “sex”
  • Requires that Secretaries of State and Homeland Security, and the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, shall implement changes to require that government-issued identification documents, including passports, visas, and Global Entry cards, to “accurately reflect the holder’s sex”
  • Requires that the Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall ensure that applicable personnel records “accurately report Federal employees’ sex”
  • Requires the “removal of all statements, policies, regulations, forms, communications, or other internal and external messages that promote or otherwise inculcate gender ideology, and shall cease issuing such statements, policies, regulations, forms, communications or other messages”
  • Removes all federal funding for any programs or agencies related to “gender ideology”
  • Removes the interpretation of protections laid out in Bostock v Clayton County, which allowed people to access spaces that coordinate with their gender (so trans folks can’t use the bathroom, basically)
  • Requires that trans women are sent to men’s prisons
  • Requires amending the ADA so that it no longer applies to trans women in prisons
  • Requires that trans women are no longer allowed to be in women’s shelters
  • Prisons are no longer allowed to provide gender affirming medical care to trans inmates
  • “Intimate spaces” are to be defined by sex, not gender
  • “The Attorney General shall issue guidance to ensure “the freedom to express the binary nature of sex and the right to single-sex spaces in workplaces and federally funded entities covered by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 [and]…  shall prioritize investigations and litigation to enforce the rights and freedoms identified.”
    • What an interesting use of the term “freedom to express”
    • Also this may also they can arrest people for being trans?
  • Removal of all official documentation and supports gender identity and trans people. They provide a list, most of which is how to help and support trans kids

01/20/2025: Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 13988 of January 20, 2021 (Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation)

  • Basically what it says on the tin—stated that people should not be discriminated against for gender identity or sexual orientation

01/20/2025: Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14004 of January 25, 2021 (Enabling All Qualified Americans To Serve Their Country in Uniform)

  • This revoked Trumps’ ban on trans folks in the military

01/20/2025: Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14075 of June 15, 2022 (Advancing Equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Individuals)

  • Protects LGBTQI+ individuals’ access to medically necessary care from harmful State and local laws and practices
  • support LGBTQI+ students, their families, educators, and other school personnel targeted by harmful State and local laws and practices
  • establish an initiative to reduce the risk of youth exposure to so-called conversion therapy. As part of that initiative, the Secretary of HHS shall, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law
    • consider whether to issue guidance clarifying for HHS programs and services agencies that so-called conversion therapy does not meet criteria for use in federally funded health and human services programs
    • increase public awareness of the harms and risks associated with so-called conversion therapy for LGBTQI+ youth and their families
    • increase the availability of technical assistance and training to health care and social service providers on evidence-informed promising practices for supporting the health, including mental health, of LGBTQI+ youth, and on the dangers of so-called conversion therapy
    • seek funding opportunities for providers of evidence-based trauma-informed services to better support survivors of so-called conversion therapy.
  • strengthen non-discrimination protections on the basis of sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics
  • address and eliminate disparities in the child welfare system experienced by LGBTQI+ children, parents, and caregivers
  • seek funding opportunities for programs and services that improve outcomes for LGBTQI+ children in the child welfare system
  • conduct a study on the impact that current Federal statutory and regulatory eligibility standards have on the ability of LGBTQI+ and other households as determined by the Secretary to access Federal benefits and programs for families
  • establish an initiative to address the health disparities facing LGBTQI+ youth and adults, take steps to prevent LGBTQI+ suicide, and address the barriers and exclusionary policies that LGBTQI+ individuals and families face in accessing quality, affordable, comprehensive health care, including mental health care, reproductive health care, and HIV prevention and treatment
    • seek funding opportunities related to health, including mental health, for LGBTQI+ individuals, especially youth, including resources for the Nation’s suicide prevention and crisis support services to support LGBTQI+ individuals
    • promote expanded access to comprehensive health care for LGBTQI+ individuals, including by working with States on expanding access to gender-affirming care
    • issue guidance through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health
  • establish a Working Group on LGBTQI+ Students and Families, which shall lead an initiative to address discrimination against LGBTQI+ students and strengthen supports for LGBTQI+ students and families with the goals of:
    • review, revise, develop, and promote guidance, technical assistance, training, promising practices, and sample policies for States, school districts, and other educational institutions to promote safe and inclusive learning environments in which all LGBTQI+ students thrive and to address bullying of LGBTQI+ students
    • identify promising practices for helping to ensure that school-based health services and supports, especially mental health services, are accessible to and supportive of LGBTQI+ students
    • seek funding opportunities for grantees and programs that will improve educational and health outcomes, especially mental health outcomes, for LGBTQI+ students and other underserved students; and seek to strengthen supportive services for LGBTQI+ students and families experiencing homelessness, including those provided by the National Center for Homeless Education
  • establish a Working Group on LGBTQI+ Homelessness and Housing Equity, which shall lead an initiative that aims to prevent and address homelessness and housing instability among LGBTQI+ individuals



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