DEI is The Devil and Fuck Anyone Who Isn’t a Straight, White, Cis Man

Note: This page includes Executive orders and Memorandums that were signed on or before January 27, 2025. It will be updated in the coming days, and kept updated to the best of my ability as time goes on.

Note: To make things clear, all DEI is are frameworks seek to promote the fair treatment and full participation of all people. When it comes to employment, this means that hiring should be based on merit, and that everyone, no matter their race, gender, sexual orientation, sex, disability status, religion, etc, should have opportunities to be considered for a job. This may require employers to think critically about, and make improvements to their workplace culture and hiring processes to make this possible. For example, make a workplace compliant with ADA standards so that someone who uses a wheelchair is able to enter the building to be considered for a sales position.

The idea in on way discriminates against straight, cis, white men, it just gives other people opportunity to be on the same playing field.

It also does not force employers to hire unqualified people. The entire point is to give people who ARE qualified equal opportunities.

Now that that’s out of the way…


  • 01/27/2025: Orders abolishing “every DEI office within the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security…including any vestiges of DEI offices, such as sub-offices, programs, elements, or initiatives”
  • 01/27/2025: Requires that academic departments for academic institutions associated with the DoD and Homeland Security teach that “America and its founding documents remain the most powerful force for good in human history”
  • Removes all programs related to DEI, which gives protections for sex, gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation, as well all programs related to environmental justice
  • Fires all Federal employees who hold any position related to these concepts, and terminates all contracts to outside consulting firms related to these concepts
  • Removes funding for cities that did not crack down hard enough on the 2020 BLM protests
  • Revokes Biden’s order expanding access to voter registration and election information
  • Disbands the White House Gender Policy Council
  • Disbands the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders
  • Revokes the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity Through Hispanic-Serving Institutions Initiative
  • Revokes the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Native Americans and Strengthening Tribal Colleges and Universities
  • Ends all DEI initiatives specifically at the FAA
  • Revokes the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Black Americans
  • Disbands the President’s Advisory Council on African Diaspora Engagement in the United States
  • Disbands the White House Steering Committee on Equity 
  • Orders all executive departments and agencies to terminate all mandates, policies, programs, activities, guidance, regulations, enforcement actions, consent orders, and requirements related  protections for  sex, gender, race, sexual orientation, and religion
  • Revokes a 1994 order to promote nondiscrimination in federal programs that affect human health and the environment, as well as provide minority and low-income communities access to public information and public participation
  • Revokes a 2011 order that established a coordinated Government-wide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the Federal workforce
  • Revokes Equal Employment Opportunity order of 1965, which forbid employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin for Federal employees, contractors, and subcontractors
  • Orders that The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs within the Department of Labor immediately cease all programs and policies related to DEI
  • Orders that every contract or grant award require certification that the recipient does not participate in any programs promoting DEI
  • Orders the removal of all references to DEI and DEIA principles, under whatever name they may appear, from Federal acquisition, contracting, grants, and financial assistance procedures
  • Terminates all “diversity,” “equity,” “equitable decision-making,” “equitable deployment of financial and technical assistance,” “advancing equity,” and like mandates, requirements, programs, or activities
  • Orders each agency to find up to nine publicly traded corporations, large non-profit corporations or associations, foundations, State and local bar and medical associations, and institutions of higher education that may be sued to end their DEI initiatives
  • Orders that tate and local educational agencies that receive Federal funds, as well as all institutions of higher education that receive Federal grants or participate in the Federal student loan assistance programs end their DEI initiatives

01/27/2025: Executive Order: “Restoring America’s Fighting Force”

  • States: “It is the policy of my Administration that the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security with regard to the United States Coast Guard (USCG), and every element of the Armed Forces should operate free from any preference based on race or sex”
  • Orders abolishing “every DEI office within the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security…including any vestiges of DEI offices, such as sub-offices, programs, elements, or initiatives”
  • States that the DoD, Armed Forces, and “any educational institution operated or controlled thereby” “are prohibited from promoting, advancing, or otherwise inculcating the following un-American, divisive, discriminatory, radical, extremist, and irrational theories” including:
    • “divisive concepts”, defined as:
      • one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex
      • the United States is fundamentally racist or sexist
      • an individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously
      • an individual should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of his or her race or sex
      • members of one race or sex cannot and should not attempt to treat others without respect to race or sex
      • an individual’s moral character is necessarily determined by his or her race or sex
      • an individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex
      • any individual should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex
      • meritocracy or traits such as a hard work ethic are racist or sexist, or were created by a particular race to oppress another race
    •  that America’s founding documents are racist or sexist
    •  “gender ideology”, defined as:
      • “Gender ideology” replaces the biological category of sex with an ever-shifting concept of self-assessed gender identity, permitting the false claim that males can identify as and thus become women and vice versa, and requiring all institutions of society to regard this false claim as true
      • includes the idea that there is a vast spectrum of genders that are disconnected from one’s sex.
    • these institutions shall be required to teach that “America and its founding documents remain the most powerful force for good in human history”
  • States that the DoD and Armed Forces cannot hire anyone who teaches the above
  • The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall “carefully review the leadership, curriculum, and instructors of the United States Service Academies and other defense academic institutions associated with their respective Departments” to make sure they’re not teaching anything above
  • States: “In addition, these institutions shall be required to teach that America and its founding documents remain the most powerful force for good in human history.”

Executive Order: “Ending radical and wasteful government DEI programs and preferencing”

  • Removes all programs related to DEI, which gives protections for sex, gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation, as well all programs related to environmental justice
  • Fires all Federal employees who hold any position related to these concepts, and terminates all contracts to outside consulting firms related to these concepts
  • Director of the Office of Management and Budget must be provided a list of every agency, position, department, committee, program, service, activity, budget, or expenditure related to these concepts, to make sure that none of them are renamed or relabeled to work around this order
  • The Director of the Office of Management and Budget must be provided a list of all federal contractors who have provided any kind of training or training materials related to these concepts
  • The Director of the Office of Management and Budget must be provided a list of any organization that has received any kind of federal grant for funding to advance these concepts

Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 13985 of January 20, 2021 (Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government)

  • This is basically what it says on the tin—stated that we should help underserved communities

Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14015 of February 14, 2021 (Establishment of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships)

  • Asked the already established White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (White House Partnerships Office) to advise on establishing policies, priorities, and objectives for the Federal Government’s comprehensive effort to enlist, equip, enable, empower, and expand the work of community-serving organizations, both faith-based and secular

Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14018 of February 24, 2021 (Revocation of Certain Presidential Actions)

  • Revoked some Trump orders related to:
    • Reforming the welfare system to remove assistance
    • removing funding for cities that didn’t crack down on 2020 BLM protests
    • laid out core principles for gov financial systems
    • excluded the department of defense from labor laws?
    • Froze official publishing of any rule that didn’t meet his approval

Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14019 of March 7, 2021 (Promoting Access to Voting)

  • Expanded access to voter registration and election information

Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14020 of March 8, 2021 (Establishment of the White House Gender Policy Council)

  • Established a White House Gender Policy Council with the goal of:
    • Advancing gender equity and equality
    • Combating systemic biases and discrimination, including sexual harassment, and to support women’s human rights
    • Increase economic security and opportunity by addressing the structural barriers to women’s participation in the labor force and by decreasing wage and wealth gaps
    • address the caregiving needs of American families
    • support gender equity and combat gender stereotypes in education, including promoting participation in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields
    • promote gender equity in leadership
      •  increase access to comprehensive health care, address health disparities, and promote sexual and reproductive health and rightsprevent and respond to all forms of gender-based violence address responses to the effects of the Covid-19  on women and girls, especially those related to health, gender-based violence, educational access and attainment, and economic status
    • advance gender equality globally through diplomacy, development, trade, and defense
    • implement United States Government commitments to women’s involvement in peace and security efforts
    • recognize the needs and contributions of women and girls in humanitarian crises and in development assistance

Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14021 of March 8, 2021 (Guaranteeing an Educational Environment Free From Discrimination on the Basis of Sex, Including Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity)

  • Stated that “all students should be guaranteed an educational environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex, including discrimination in the form of sexual harassment, which encompasses sexual violence, and including discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Asked the secretary of education to look into policies that may not comply with the above ideas

Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14035 of June 25, 2021 (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce)

  • Enforced protections for sex, gender, religion, race, etc in federal offices

Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14031 of May 28, 2021 (Advancing Equity, Justice, and Opportunity for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders)

  • Established President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders with the goal of:
    • Advancing equity, justice, and opportunity for AA and NHPI communities in the United States, including efforts to close gaps in health, socioeconomic, employment, and educational outcomes
    • addressing and ending anti-Asian bias, xenophobia, racism, and nativism
    • advance inclusion, belonging, and public awareness of the diversity and accomplishments of AA and NHPI people, cultures, and histories
    • creating policies, programs, and initiatives to prevent, report, respond to, and track anti-Asian hate crimes and hate incidents
    • building on the capacity and contributions of AA and NHPI communities through equitable Federal funding, grantmaking, and employment opportunities
    • improve research and equitable data disaggregation regarding AA and NHPI communities
    • improve language access services to ensure AA and NHPI communities can access Federal programs and service
    •  increase public- and private-sector collaboration, and community involvement in improving the safety and socioeconomic, health, educational, occupational, and environmental well-being of AA and NHPI communities

Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14045 of September 13, 2021 (White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics)

  • Established initiative to advance educational equity and economic opportunity for Latino and Hispanic students, families, and communities by focusing on the following:
    • increasing general understanding of systemic causes of educational challenges and working across Federal agencies to address these challenges
    • increasing Hispanic and Latino children’s and families’ access to and participation in high-quality early childhood programs and services that promote children’s healthy development and learning
    •  addressing the inequitable treatment of Hispanic and Latino children, such as eradicating disparities in disciplinary actions
    • supporting and improving data collection related to Hispanic and Latino students
    • ensuring that all Hispanic and Latino students have access to excellent teachers, school leaders, and other professionals
    • enhancing student support services and fostering positive engagement among schools, families, community leaders, and community-based organizations to increase the high school graduation and post-secondary attendance rates and decrease the high school dropout rate for Hispanic and Latino students
    • promoting a positive school climate that supports equitable access to and participation in college-readiness, advanced placement courses, and internship opportunities, as well as innovative dropout prevention and recovery strategies that better engage Hispanic and Latino youth in their learning, help them progress academically as needed, and provide those who have left the educational system with pathways to reentry
    • eliminating discriminatory enrollment, housing, transportation, and other policies that lead to racial and socioeconomic segregation among and within schools
    • ensuring equitable access to educational resources, professionals, and technology
    • breaking down barriers that impede the access of higher education institutions that serve Hispanic and Latino students
    • advancing racial equity and economic opportunity by connecting education to labor market needs through programs such as dual enrollment, career and technical education, registered apprenticeships, work-based learning, and career advancement, particularly in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
    • ensuring that Hispanic and Latino communities have access to resources for economic success

Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14049 of October 11, 2021 (White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Native Americans and Strengthening Tribal Colleges and Universities)

  • established the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Native Americans and Strengthening Tribal Colleges and Universities, with the following goals:
    • increasing the understanding of systemic causes of educational challenges faced by Native American students and working across agencies to address those challenges
    • supporting and improving data collection related to Native American students and the implementation of evidence-based strategies to increase the participation and success of Native American students in all levels of education and prepare them for careers and civic engagement
    • increasing the percentage of Native American children and families who participate in high-quality early childhood programs and services
    • affirm the cultural and linguistic identity of Native American children
    • ensuring that all Native American students have access to excellent teachers, school leaders, and other professionals
    •  breaking down barriers that impede the access of higher education institutions that serve Native American students
    • ensuring that the unique indigenous, cultural, educational, traditional ecological knowledge, and Native language needs of Native American students are met
    • exploring policies to expand and support career and technical education, job training, and other career-building programs for Native American students and workers
    • furthering Tribal sovereignty by supporting efforts to build the capacity of Tribal educational agencies and TCUs to provide high-quality education services to Native American students

Executive Order: “Keeping Americans safe in aviation”

  • Basically blames issues related to Bowing airplanes on  the FAA hiring  people who aren’t white men
  • Ends all DEI initiatives specifically at the FAA
  • States: “During the prior administration, however, the FAA betrayed its mission by elevating dangerous discrimination over excellence.  For example, prior to my Inauguration, the FAA Diversity and Inclusion website revealed that the prior administration sought to specifically recruit and hire individuals with serious infirmities that could impact the execution of their essential life-saving duties.”
    • Note: Checking the Wayback Machine’s snapshot of the FAA website, it doesn’t even HAVE a “Diversity and inclusion” section that I can find. The Jobs page does not mention anything related to DEI. I like that these just say things and there is no way to actually go back and try to figure out what the fuck he could be talking about

Executive Order: Revokes Executive Order 14050 of October 19, 2021 (White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Black Americans)

  • establishes in the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Black Americans advance educational equity and economic opportunity for Black students, families, and communities by focusing on the following policy goals:
    • increasing general understanding of systemic causes of educational challenges faced by many Black students , and working across executive departments and agencies (agencies) to address these challenges
    • increasing Black children’s and families’ access to and participation in high-quality early childhood programs and services
    • addressing the inequitable treatment of Black children, such as eradicating discriminatory referrals to special education and excessive disciplinary actions
    • supporting and improving data collection related to Black students
    • ensuring that all Black students have access to excellent teachers, school leaders, and other professionals
    • enhancing student support services and fostering positive engagement among schools, families, community leaders, and community-based organizations to increase the high school graduation and post-secondary attendance rates and decrease the high school dropout rate for Black students
    • promoting a positive school climate that supports equitable access to and participation in college-readiness, advanced placement courses, and internship opportunities, as well as innovative dropout prevention and recovery strategies that better engage Black youth in their learning, help them progress academically as needed, and provide those who have left the educational system with pathways to reentry
    • eliminating discriminatory enrollment, housing, transportation, and other policies that lead to racial and socioeconomic segregation among and within schools
    • ensuring equitable access to educational resources, professionals, and technology
    • breaking down barriers that impede the access of higher education institutions that serve Black students, such as Predominantly Black Institutions (PBIs) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), to Federal funding, and strengthening the capacity of those institutions to participate in Federal programs and partnerships
    • advancing racial equity and economic opportunity by connecting education to labor market needs through programs such as dual enrollment, career and technical education, registered apprenticeships, work-based learning, and career advancement, particularly in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
    • ensuring that Black communities have access to resources for economic success, such as in the areas of financial education, small business development, entrepreneurship, arts, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14089 of December 13, 2022 (Establishing the President’s Advisory Council on African Diaspora Engagement in the United States)

  • establish the President’s Advisory Council on African Diaspora Engagement in the United States (Advisory Council) within the Department of State.

Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14091 of February 16, 2023 (Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government)

  • Stated that government agencies must ensure that they have in place an Agency Equity Team within their respective agencies to coordinate the implementation of equity initiatives and ensure that their respective agencies are delivering equitable outcomes for the American people
  • established a White House Steering Committee on Equity (Steering Committee), to  coordinate Government-wide efforts to advance equity

Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14124 of July 17, 2024 (White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity Through Hispanic-Serving Institutions)

  • established the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity Through Hispanic-Serving Institutions Initiative to advance educational equity, excellence, and economic opportunity

Executive Order: “Initial rescission of harmful executive orders and actions”

  • Revokes a ton of Biden executive orders, which I’ve added under their respective headers
  • Also states “the heads of each agency shall take immediate steps to end Federal implementation of unlawful and radical DEI ideology
  • the Director of the Domestic Policy Council (DPC) and the Director of the National Economic Council (NEC) shall review all Federal Government actions taken pursuant to the orders, memoranda, and proclamations listed in section 2 of this order and take necessary steps to rescind, replace, or amend such actions as appropriate.  Within 45 days of the date of this order, the Director of the DPC and the Director of the NEC shall submit to the President an additional list of orders, memoranda, and proclamations issued by the prior administration that should be rescinded, as well as a list of replacement orders, memoranda, or proclamations, to increase American prosperity.

Executive Order: “Ending illegal discrimination and restoring merit based opportunity”

  • Orders all executive departments and agencies to terminate all mandates, policies, programs, activities, guidance, regulations, enforcement actions, consent orders, and requirements related  protections for  sex, gender, race, sexual orientation, and religion .
  • Revokes:
    • Executive Order 12898 of February 11, 1994 (Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations)
      • Calls to identify and address the disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of their actions on minority and low-income populations
      • develop a strategy for implementing environmental justice
      • promote nondiscrimination in federal programs that affect human health and the environment, as well as provide minority and low-income communities access to public information and public participation
    • Executive Order 13583 of August 18, 2011 (Establishing a Coordinated Government-wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce)
      • established a coordinated Government-wide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the Federal workforce
    • Executive Order 13672 of July 21, 2014 (Further Amendments to Executive Order 11478, Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government, and Executive Order 11246, Equal Employment Opportunity)
      • Amended mentioned previous executive orders to add some different wording to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” where it just said “sex”, before
    • The Presidential Memorandum of October 5, 2016 (Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the National Security Workforce)
      • Asked agencies to collect data regarding employment diversity and make that information readily available to the public and broader workforce
      • Asked agencies to make sure that employees had access to professional development opportunities and tools, consistent with merit system principles, and cultivate talent consistent with merit system principles
    • Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965 (Equal Employment Opportunity)
      • Forbid employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin by federal contractors and subcontractors
    • Orders that The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs within the Department of Labor immediately cease
      • Promoting diversity
      • Holding Federal contractors and subcontractors responsible for taking affirmative action
      • Allowing or encouraging Federal contractors and subcontractors to engage in workforce balancing based on race, color, sex, sexual preference, religion, or national origin
    • States that the employment, procurement, and contracting practices of Federal contractors and subcontractors shall not consider race, color, sex, sexual preference, religion, or national origin
    • The head of each agency shall include in every contract or grant award:
      • A term requiring the contractual counterparty or grant recipient to agree that its compliance in all respects with all applicable Federal anti-discrimination laws is material to the government’s payment decisions
      •  A term requiring such counterparty or recipient to certify that it does not operate any programs promoting DEI
    • The Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) shall:
      • Review and revise, as appropriate, all Government-wide processes, directives, and guidance
      • Excise references to DEI and DEIA principles, under whatever name they may appear, from Federal acquisition, contracting, grants, and financial assistance procedures
      •  Terminate all “diversity,” “equity,” “equitable decision-making,” “equitable deployment of financial and technical assistance,” “advancing equity,” and like mandates, requirements, programs, or activities
    • Director of OMB, shall submit a report containing recommendations for enforcing Federal civil-rights laws and taking other appropriate measures to encourage the private sector to end DEI.  The report shall contain a proposed strategic enforcement plan identifying:
      • Key sectors of concern within each agency’s jurisdiction
      • The “most egregious and discriminatory DEI practitioners in each sector of concern
      • A plan of specific steps or measures to deter DEI programs or principles (whether specifically denominated “DEI” or otherwise)
    •   As a part of this plan, each agency shall identify up to nine potential civil compliance investigations of publicly traded corporations, large non-profit corporations or associations, foundations with assets of 500 million dollars or more, State and local bar and medical associations, and institutions of higher education with endowments over 1 billion dollars
      • Other strategies to encourage the private sector to end DEI
      • Litigation that would be potentially appropriate for Federal lawsuits, intervention, or statements of interest
      • Potential regulatory action and sub-regulatory guidance.
    • Attorney General and the Secretary of Education shall jointly issue guidance to all State and local educational agencies that receive Federal funds, as well as all institutions of higher education that receive Federal grants or participate in the Federal student loan assistance program under Title IV of the Higher Education Act, 20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq., regarding the measures and practices required to comply with Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, 600 U.S. 181 (2023)
      • This is a SCOTUS case that decided “affirmative action” in college admissions is unconstitutional




