Creepy Nationalism

Updated Feb 5, 2025


  • 1/29/2025: Establishes “White House Task Force on Celebrating America’s 250th Birthday (Task Force 250)” to “to plan, organize, and execute an extraordinary celebration of the 250th Anniversary of American Independence”
  • 1/29/2025: Reinstates Trump’s former executive orders re: creating a statue garden, with an addendum to have it contain 250 statues ““as expeditiously as possible”
  • 1/29/2025: Reinstates Trump’s former executive order to “prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law” anyone who defaces a statue or monument
  • Renames Denali to Mt. McKinley
  • “Renames” the Gulf of Mexico as the “Gulf of America”
  • Wants civic buildings that are “easily identifiable as civic buildings”
  • Revokes Biden’s order revoking an order that Trump wants buildings to look like buildings from his first term
  • Revokes Biden’s order revoking Trump’s plan for a giant statue garden
  • Revokes Biden’s order revoking Trump’s plan to label all aid to other countries with “America Aid” logos

01/29/2025 Executive Order: “Celebrating America’s 250th Birthday”

Pedantic Note: Technically, America did not become its own country until after the Revolutionary War ended, in 1783. So the *actual* 250th ‘birthday’ for the country is in 2033. 250 years since the Declaration of Interdependence =/= 250 years since we became an independent country. If Trump was a patriot, and not a nationalist, he would know this.

  • Establishes “White House Task Force on Celebrating America’s 250th Birthday (Task Force 250)” to “to plan, organize, and execute an extraordinary celebration of the 250th Anniversary of American Independence”
  • Reinstates Trump’s former executive orders re: creating a statue garden, with an addendum to have it contain 250 statues ““as expeditiously as possible”
  • Reinstates Trump’s former executive order to “prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law” anyone who defaces a statue or monument

Executive Order: “Restoring names the honor American Greatness”

  • Renames Denali to be Mt. McKinley
    • Denali means “the high one” in the native Athabaskan language
    • The mountain has been called that for centuries, because that is its name
    • Even when the territory was owned by Russia, it was still technically called that, just in Russian (they used the translation of the word)
    • The state of Alaska recognized the correct name in 1975
    • It was changed, nationally, in 2015
    • It was only called McKinley because some gold prospector in 1897 wanted to show support for a presidential candidate.
      • Changing it back to Mt. McKinley has no purpose other than to disrespect Native Americans.
    • “Renames” the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America

Proclamation: “Flying the flag of the US at full staff on inauguration day”

  • From now on, no matter what, it is the law that the flag has to be full staff on inauguration days.
    • Note: Because Trump is a petty crybaby loser.

Memorandum: “Promoting beautiful federal civic architecture”

  • Asks for recommendations “to advance the policy that Federal public buildings should be visually identifiable as civic buildings and respect regional, traditional, and classical architectural heritage in order to uplift and beautify public spaces and ennoble the United States and our system of self-government.”
    • Note: Whatever that means. This one is just weird. He made a similar order during his first term.

Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14018 of February 24, 2021 (Revocation of Certain Presidential Actions)

  • This revoked the weirdo “beautiful federal architecture” executive order that Trump passed during his first term
    • Note: It revoked other Trump orders, as well, but I added those specifically under the categories I thought they fit

Executive Order: Revoked Executive Order 14029 of May 14, 2021 (Revocation of Certain Presidential Actions and Technical Amendment)

  • This exec order included revoking a Trump order to make a statue park of “National Garden of American Heroes” with statutes of, like, 100 random people
  • It also included revoking a Trump order to label all aid to foreign counties as “American aid”, and to create a logo that “embodies the values and generosity of the American people” to put on all materials related to assistance or any goods we provide

